Maine Singer-Songwriter

My Story

A few years back, life knocked me down pretty hard. It gave me cause to stop and forced me to take a hard look at what I really wanted out of life. As I asked myself what matters most to me, three things came to mind and heart: FAMILY, FRIENDS and MUSIC.

I learned that sometimes clarity comes out of the worst situations. A path had been cleared for me to do what I loved most. So I got up, dusted off my jeans, grabbed my guitar, humbled but moving on because I Ain’t Afraid to Lose

Music has always been an important part of my life. I’ve been playing guitar, writing and performing for over 30 years. For me there is only one thing I enjoy more than writing, and that is sharing my music with others live!

My writing reflects the joys and struggles I see all around me. Those that have overcome far worse inspire me to tell their stories.

Thanks for listening! 
